Anti-money laundering
Anti-Money Laundering
Best-in-class Transaction Monitoring solution to detect money laundering and financial crime patterns.
A market-proven software solution – enhanced through Machine Learning - to keep up with regulations and detect money laundering patterns.
With IMTF's new AML tool, we have not only significantly reduced false positives but also given our Business and Compliance teams a no-code way to update scenarios, try to prevent new attack angles and iterate existing configurations.
Head of Compliance, Swiss bank
IMTF AML Solution
Our ML-augmented solution identifies and reports suspicious activities related to money laundering and terrorist financing accurately, ensuring compliance with current regulation. It follows a risk-based approach and combines powerful analytics such as rule-based data mining, profiling, behaviour recognition, and link analysis to narrow down alerts to those that are most relevant. Your compliance team can adapt the configuration with our no-code approach, making it a highly flexible and scalable solution for any size of organisation and industry.
Product features
Adaptive profiling for Pattern Recognition
The module automatically creates behaviour models for each customer, customer group and account. The behaviour is analyzed and compared to the behaviour history as well as the profiles of a reference group (peer-groups). Predictive Analytics as well as Adaptive profiling using automated machine learning algorithms help detect unknown money laundering behaviours.
Built for Compliance, not IT
Scenario management can be done directly by the compliance team without having to go through lengthy change management processes; This allows you to quickly change thresholds, test new rules and scenarios and really focus on what is important - fighting financial crime.
Second layer automation
Alerts processing, which involves close interactions between teams, is supported by a Dynamic Case Management Framework. This second-layer automation helps process alerts to make day-to-day Compliance work less error-prone, more efficient and productive. AI-based mechanisms suggest qualification proposals based on previous alert closings, improving case outcomes and time to resolution.
Supported Use Cases
AML for Cryptocurrencies
Are you interested to understand your bank's exposure to Crypto Currency? Do you know how many clients are buying, trading or selling crypto currencies? Are you aware of the risk associated with a specific crypto-transaction? We can help and have a solution for just that!
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